What comes into your mind when you hear worship?
According to Merriam Webster worship is: A reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; also : an act of expressing such reverence and a form of religious practice with its creed and ritual.
What are the things that you consider worship? Is worship when you only sing songs to God at church? Raising your hands towards the heaven? Closing your eyes when praying? Uttering words of honor and praise to God? or everything you do in church is worship? Yes they are worship. But not limited to stuff like those, worship is far more than what it is used to be or what it is meant to be by word.
When I hear the word worship, it does not only happen in church with our church mates but mostly also outside the four walls of our churches with other people who are unbelievers.
Many of us sometimes forget what worship is all about when we are out of church, when we are moving and interact with the real world, with the real battlefield, in a place where worship should be practiced importantly and diligently.
For me worship is also...
- Honoring God's name
- Loving God
- Thinking God in every thing you do
- Trusting Him more especially in times of trials
- Following what Jesus told us to do during His time here on earth
- Trusting and believing God's word
- Sharing the salvation to other whenever there is opportunity
- Practicing justice
- Loving people
- Serving other people
- Doing simple things in the name of Jesus
- Extending arms to people who are hurting and are in need of help
- Declaring victory over trials and problems
- And all other things no matter how big or small they are as long as they glorify God's name, I can say it is worship
What about you? How do you define worship in your own way? Or should we say how do you practice worship in your own way? I may not know you personally but I am sure that you also have lots of ways of showing your worship to God. Just always keep in mind that as long as it is according to the word of God, giving glory to God, pleasing to the eyes of God, not breaking the law of God, and putting smile on God's face, it is worship.
© Youth Under Christ's Kingdom