
Oct 4, 2008

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Some say you're just a good man
Some say you are kind
Some say you are in the grave
But I say you're alive
Some say you're just a prophet
Some say you were wise
Some say you were just a man
But I say you are God
You are my God

The lines above are from the song "Shout Your Fame" by Hillsong. It states here how some people were saying about who Jesus was, like just a good man, just a kind person, in the grave, just a prophet and just a wise man. But for us believers, we believe and declare that Jesus is God, above everything and all powerful.

We can notice in the bible that before Jesus was born, His coming had been foreseen and prophesied so many years before his birth. And some well-known characters in the bible had a different views and vision of who Jesus would be.

Like for examples Jacob saw Jesus as the Shiloh, Moses as the passover lamb and the lifter up one, Ruth as the family redeemer, Samuel as king, David as lion of Judah and good shepherd, Solomon as the beloved, Ezra and Nehemiah as the restorer, Job as the redeemer, Isaiah as the suffering servant, Jeremiah saw him at the potter's wheel, Ezekiel as son of man, Daniel as the prince and the smiting stone, Hosea as the bridegroom redeeming a fallen wife, Joel as restorer, Amos as heavenly husband, Obadiah as the saviour, Jonah as the resurrection and life, Mica as the witness, Nahum as stronghold in the days of trouble, Habakkuk as God of my salvation, Zephaniah as jealous Lord, Haggai as desire of all nations, Zechariah as the righteous branch, Malachi as the sun of righteousness and John as the lamb of God. See everyone in the bible times has a different view of Who Jesus is.

What about you? Who is Jesus for you?

God.. Father... Saviour... Immanuel... Lord... Christ... Redeemer... Bridegroom... Messiah... Prince Of Peace.. Advocate... King... Holy Spirit... Son Of Man... Prophet... Teacher.. Wise Man or just nothing, I do not even bother to know?
In the book of Matthew chapter 16 verses 13 to 15, Jesus was talking to His disciples when He asked Them, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" The disciples replied very enthusiastically "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." They replied according to what the people were saying about their rabbi but after that Jesus followed up another question like this "But what about you?" "Who do you say I am?"
"But what about you?" "Who do you say I am?"

Only Peter replied without any doubt, ""You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." on verse 16.

Many of us would reply or tell another people or friends what OTHER PEOPLE are saying about Christ not what WE SAY about Jesus. What if while reading this post and then suddenly you see image of Jesus reflecting on your computer's screen standing behind you and asks you...

"But what about you?" "Who do you say I am?"


  1. for me Jesus is lord.. The one who saved my soul and died on the cross for me. Jesus is the Lord my God. =)

  2. all i can say is dat He saved my whole family, He made all things possible 4 me
    He gave me new life
    He became my bestfriend
    and deeper & deeper im falling in love w/ Him


  3. Jesus? ah yes He is my Lord and Savior! i am a friend of Him, my Grace and my Life!


  4. Jesus is Lord, saviour and lover of our souls!!!! I would say Jesus is the Lord our God. We Christians believe that Jesus is God. And sad to say many people from other religion are saying Jesus is not God, even they are using the same book that we have. The Holy Bible. I do not know why they come up with this doctrine. I would understand if they are using a different book of faith but they are not. Peace On Earth!!! =)
