Tell the world that there was a Jesus who died for them.
Tell the world that we're not from monkeys but from the word of God and created out of His image.
...that God sent his son to the world because of His great love so we may have eternal life with him. (john.3.16)
...that Jesus was not just a god to be worshiped and surrendered our life to, but also a friend, a brother, a mentor, a father and most of all, a savior.
...that God is looking for them. That is why he sent Himself to the world to find the lost and offered life with him in paradise.
...that God doesn't hate the sinners but it's the sin itself that He hates so much.
...that it is not God who brings sinners to hell but it is the sin that sends them to Hell.
...that God made a way to wash away this sin from us and made us as white as snow before him.
...that blessings and good things are not only for good people and God's children but also for those who are not good ones. So that love, grace and glory of God be established and to let us know that God cares about each of His creation.
...that there's no sin God cannot forgive as long as we repent and come to Him just as we are.
...that everything and everyone originated from God and not from what they call a big bang.
...that there are something, best (heaven) and worse (hell) after life here on earth and not nothingness.
...that all of us should prepare because no matter who we are and what we do here on earth, we will surely come to a point of seeing God face-to-face and looking at Him eye-to-eye. And we will be held accountable for our deeds.
...that Jesus has been longing for us to be our father, brother, friend, teacher, and lord.
...that God is not like a very big cop behind clouds that whenever and wherever we make sin o mistake he would arrest and punish us. But He is a loving heavenly that watches us as we walk to and from him.
...that there's no other time to surrender everything to God. And there's no other day to do it but now.
Tell the world that we are supposed to be in the everlasting loving arms of God not in the shadow of this sick and dark world.
...that God has wonderful plans for us. (jer.29.11)put link.
...that one of God's deepest desires is when we call o say His name not just because we are in trouble and in need but also in blessing and in good days of our life.
...that God is more than willing to take away the shadow, burden, sin, illness, sorrow, loneliness, pain, fear and tears from us and restore it with light, rest, forgiveness, healing, hope, happiness, relieve and smile as long as we are also willing.
...that we are not product of mutation for we are not mutants, but we are product of God's love and grace.
...that it was not supernova or super massive explosion and gravitational forces that made stars and planets float and stay in their places in outer space but it was God who made and put them in there.
And to our fellow believers in Christ. Remember Ephesians 6.12, ''for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.''
Keep on running for God's cause, keep on fighting for the glory of God, for the recovery of the lost, for the salvation of those in danger. Keep on standing tall before trials and enemies.
Whom shall we fear?
Who shall defeat us?
Who shall crush us?
God is with us!
No retreat, no surrender!
We will stand and fight and die, with God's love in our hearts!!!