
Oct 26, 2009

Power Of Words

Have you ever thought how powerful our words are? Have you known that words would matter over life and death? That words are not just words that come out of our mouth? Words and what you say matter, my friend told me when we were talking about some crazy stuff like how animals, trees or plants talk to each other or if they ever had any other way of communicating to each other.

But do you really believe that words have power? Let see some of the scriptures found in the Bible talking about or referring to this topic of mine.

Paul said in Romans 10:9, "If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." How about that one? See, our words carry so much weight that they can even affirm our salvation, therefore, affect the spiritual realm.

Jesus once warned us about taking our speech too lightly, where can we find that, see this verse Matthew 12:36-37 "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

In Proverbs 18:21 we can also see that it says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it[for death or life].

Let me share you a story and it was about a group of frogs in the forest. These group of frogs were trying to go to the other part of the forest to see some things and insects to eat. Suddenly without noticing two of the frogs fell into the hole full of thick and tough mud, and the remaining of the frogs just stood around the edge of the hole and were keep on shouting to the two frogs that they will not going to make it out of the mud and just give up as trying to escape would do no good. And over and over, they continued to shout on the top of their lungs. One of the two frogs just gave up and died but not the other one. This frog kept on jumping and jumping with perseverance, determination and with all his strength until he was able to get out of the hole. The frogs were shocked and could not believe that He made it. But these frogs never known that he was a deaf frog and this deaf frog thought that other frogs were cheering him up that he could get out of the hole and just keep on jumping.

See that's how powerful our words are, so be careful when saying words make sure that it will help other and not will make them down. I also believe that if we continue to use foul words or languages and saying negative statements and things that do not really helpful, this will also continue to break our God's heart.

Hebrews 11:6 says: "Without faith it is impossible to please God." What kind of faith are we demonstrating when we speak words of doom and destruction over our friends, family members and other people around us? Shouldn't we be praying and standing on God's promises for them instead? And when we or someone is sick, aren't we focusing more on that the illness will not heal or will even become worst than on God's ability and willingness to heal that illness? Why don't we try to start today saying things that will benefit you and others, that will make you and others grow?

If you remember saying some things that you now regret, take a minute to repent for what you have said and think about the things that you could have said instead. Use God's word as a major part of you game plan.

Are you going to be the one talking about love instead of anger, unity instead of destruction and division, light instead of darkness, wellness instead of illness, thankfulness and praises instead of complaints, victory instead of poverty, brothers instead of enemies, peace instead of war, and forgiving instead of hating?

I can surely tell you that if you will have a courage and willingness to change your words, you will change your life and you can even affect all those people around you. May David's prayers be ours today: "May the words of my mouth and the thoughts in my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." -Psalms 19:14.

Before you leave this page, why don't you also pray with me...

"Lord, forgive me for the times my speech has been filled with doubt and destruction instead of faith and life. Cleanse my lips the way you did Isaiah's (Isaiah 6:6,7). Help me to speak words that please You and bless others. remind me of all Your precious promises of wholeness, life and victory. thank you that my words of life will bring people hope and healing!

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