
Apr 17, 2009

Wothless Or Priceless?

The death and resurrection of Jesus was the only way our sins were forgiven. We are all aware that by breaking God's law (sinning), death will be the penalty of it no matter what.

There are a lot of great religious teachers and founders throughout human history. When it comes to teaching, there were all good at it. Everyone of them had a gifted mind and incredible way of teaching. Jesus was one of them, founder, teacher, leader. But Jesus was very different among them. What makes Jesus so different among them? It is because Jesus was the only one who died and rose again from the dead. No other religious leader has ever claimed of going back to life from being dead, only Jesus.

Here below are some of the bible passages that tell about the ressurrection of Jesus.

John 11:25-26
Romans 1:4-5
Romans 6:8-11
Philippians 3:10-12
1 Peter 1:3
Matthew 27:50-53
Matthew 28:1-10
Mark 16:1-8
Luke 24:1-12

This truth is extremely important. Pastor Rick Warren (Author of best selling book Purpose Driven Life) said: "That's of critical importance because it's not the life of Jesus that saves you; it's not the teachings of Jesus that save you; it's His death and resurrection that open the door for your salvation."

Christ died for our sins and bible clearly supports that. No one is perfect, everyone has failures and no one is good enough before God. That's true. All of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Roamns 3:23).

Bible teaches us that justice requires punisment. That if you do a crime, you must pay the time. That if you break God's laws, you must pay the penalty of it which is according to the bible, "The wages [for our] sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

In other words, there should be someone to pay for all the wrong-doings we have done against God. It's either us or someone else to be the one to pay for us. And at this time, Jesus came down from heaven in the very human form and willingly offered His life for the full restoration of the broken fellowship with the father. For us to have the full pardon from God. For the forgiveness of sins that were made by our forefathers and sins that were also made by ourselves. For us to have life with Him in heaven. For us not be condemned by God anymore. For us to be taken away from the threat of fires of hell. For us to show that Jesus really cares for us.

The Good news is: "Through the blood of His Son, we are set free from our sins. God forgives our failures because of His overflowing kindness" (Ephesians 1:7)

PAstor Warren also said that when Jesus died on the cross, two things were revealed to us!

1. It shows how much our forgiveness cost.
2. It shows how much God values us.

The highest price we can pay for anything is to give our life for it. And that's what Jesus did. He gave His blood. He gave His life. It was extremely expensive. Grace is free but it is not cheap. It cost Jesus His life, but He paid for our sins.

How much are your worth? Jesus says, with His arms stretched out on the cross, "This much I'm willing to die for you." You may think that you're worthless because of things you've done wrong. But Jesus says, "No. You're priceless. And I'm willing to give My life in order to pay for your sins."

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